Church Directory Information
Sign-Up for Your Free Church Directory and a Free 8x10 Photo!!! To receive your FREE 8x10 photo and a FREE church directory, schedule your 10 minute appointment online (see information below) or stop by the sign-up table in the breezeway, after the Divine Liturgy. The dates for appointments are Friday, December 2nd through Monday, December 5th . To make your appointments online, go to , and click on " Photography Appointment Scheduling Login ." Use code NC403 with the password photos. For families of 6 or more, please use 2 of the 10 minute consecutive slots available when signing up. This will allow the photographer to have enough time for your family photos, and it will help keep all appointments on schedule. For families who wish to be included in the upcoming Church Directory, and are unable to schedule a photo session with your family, for a fee of $15, you will have the opportunity to submit your personal photo. More info...