Sunday Bulletin August 6 2023
USHERS Team D: Harry Plagianis, Paul Spanos, Steve Hodges, Mike Olympio
Church Service Committee Team 1:Tom Giannopoulos, Presv. Stacy Shepherd, Allan Hild,
Michael Six
READER: Theophilos (Chris) Lohr
ALTAR BOYS MINISTRY: Open To All NURSERY ASSIGNMENTS: The nursery is opened but not staffed during summer months. Please stay with your children if using the nursery.
Sunday, August 6, 2023
8:45 am – Orthros and Divine Liturgy:
Transfiguration of Our Savior Jesus Christ
· Please welcome Father Jerry Hall who will be presiding at the Liturgy on Sunday ,August 6th
· Transfiguration Icon flowers were donated in honor of Sotiris Kaliviotis by his family for his Name Day & Birthday.
Tuesday, August 8, 2023
5:30 p.m. – Choir Practice
Sunday, August 13, 2023
8:45 am – Orthros and Divine Liturgy:
10th Sunday Of Matthew
6:00 pm-Last Paraklisis to the Theotokos before the Feast of the Dormition
Father George's return from Greece has been delayed and Father Costa has prior commitments at his other parish, Saint Porphyrios in Jacksonville, NC.
· There will be no Paraklisis Services August 6th thru August 11th.
For any pastoral emergency during August 5th thru August 12th,please contact our Parish Council President Gus Hodges:
(336) 782-2596