Sunday, May 7, 2023


SUNDAY May 7, 2023 ~ Sunday of the paralytic

St. Cyril of jerusalem


Weekly Bulletin

Sunday Assignments

USHERS Team D:  Harry Plagianis, Paul Spanos, Steve Hodges, Mike Olympio

CHURCH SERVICES COMMITTEE Team 1:  Tom Giannopoulos, Presvytera Stacy Shepherd, Allan Hild, Michael Six

READER:  Paisios Dykes  

MAIDENS FOR CHRIST Team 15:  Erin Hild, Ava Vlasis, Elena Katherine Spinosa, Julia Theodora Spinosa, Samantha Warren

ALTAR BOYS MINISTRY Team 1:   Nektarios Vgenopoulos – Leader, Evangelos Paparoupas, Panagiotis Lambis, Konstantinos Lambis, Anastasios Kazakos, Pavlos S. Strates, Nathaniel Burdette, Alexander Burns, Alexander Kroustalis, Lucas Casper, Nicholas Casper

NURSERY ASSIGNMENTS:  Emily Rogatsios and Tonya Blevins


This Week at the Annunciation

Sunday, May 7, 2023

8:45 AM  Matins & Divine Liturgy:
Sunday of the Paralytic

· 1 year Memorial for Fotini Ziogas

· 3 year Memorial for Olga Karahalios

· Coffee hour offered in loving memory by the families of Fotini and Olga

Monday, May 8, 2023

8:45 AM  Matins & Divine Liturgy
Apostle John the Theologian

6:00 PM  Parish Council Board Meeting

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

9:30 AM   Adult Discussion Group

4:30 PM   Greek School:  Conversation Classes

5:30-6:30 PM  K - 5th gr. Festival Dance Practice

6:30 –7:30 PM  6th - 8th gr. Festival Dance Practice

6:30 - 7:30 PM 9th—12th Festival Dance Breezeway

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

8:45 AM   Matins & Divine Liturgy:
Mid - Pentecost

9:00 AM  Spanakopita Preparation
(note the day change)

4:30 PM   Greek School: Level 1 and up

5:30 PM   Choir Practice (this week)

Thursday, May 11, 2023

8:00  PM   Men's Discussion Group

10:30 AM Grandparent's Discussion Group

6:00 PM    Paraklisis to the Theotokos

Sunday,  May 14, 2023 (Mother's Day)

8:45 AM  Matins & Divine Liturgy:
Sunday of the Samaritan Woman



Other News and Updates

Sign up Sheets will be available in the Breezeway for GREEK FESTIVAL VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES.  You may also contact the committee chairs to volunteer your talents or Mike Olympio at 336-918-2132.  Your time and talent is needed to help make the Greek Festival a success! We greatly appreciate it!


Reminder to pre-order copies of the new Church Directory. 

Families who did NOT participate in submitting their photo, or who did NOT take a family photo, but wish to purchase our new Church Directory, please order your copy today.

Copies of the directory may be purchased for  $28.00 each.
 As a reminder, families who took a photo or submitted a family photo  will receive one free copy. Additional copies may be purchased for $28 each.  Please contact as soon as today,  Kiki Gonzales, to pre-order your Church Directory at 336-414-8352 or email


COLLEGE & HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES - Graduation Sunday - June 4

We would like to honor all those who are graduating from High School, College,
as well as those who graduated during the year.  Please call or complete the form below and return to the office
by May 21st  to have your graduate added to the list for Graduation Sunday service June 4th.
The information will also be included in the July monthly bulletin.

______________________________                           ________________________________

Name                                                                             College or High School Graduated From

______________________________                           ________________________________

Future Plans                                                                  Special Honors Received


Summer Bible camp will be the week of June 12-16, 2023. It will run from 9-11:30 am every day except Friday the 16th where it will run until 12 p.m. This year there will be a 20 dollar registration fee to help offset the cost of activities throughout the week. Please register at the link:


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