Sunday, April 30, 2023


Weekly Bulletin

Sunday Assignments
USHERS Team C:  Spiro Strates, Sammy Gianopoulos, Lisa Siokis, Kosta Hodges
CHURCH SERVICES COMMITTEE Team 4:  Helen Uhl, George Kortesis, Tony Vlasis, Apostolis Tsigas
READER:  Chris Lohr        
MAIDENS FOR CHRIST Team 14:  Despina Strates, Elisavet Strates, Zoe P. Strates, Despina Virginia Strates, Lily Thomas
 ALTAR BOYS MINISTRY Team 6:   Niko Vlahos – Leader, William Pierce – Leader, Panteleimon Leontaritis, Nicholas Kontos, Richard Knight, Andreas A. Kazakos, John T. Kazakos,  Maximus T. Kazakos, Leonidas Karabelas, Thanasi Karabelas, Vasili Karabelas

NURSERY ASSIGNMENTS:  Miranda Diakos and Zoe Nixon


This Week at the Annunciation

Sunday, April 30, 2023

8:45 AM  Matins & Divine Liturgy:
Sunday of the Myrrh - Bearing Women

· Philoptochos will pass a special tray to benefit Clergy Education.

· 1 year Memorial for Voula Vlasis

· 1 year Memorial for Despina Strates

· Coffee Hour hosted in loving memory of Voula & Despina by their families

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

8:45 AM   Matins & Divine Liturgy:
Removal of the Relic of St. Athanasios

9:00 AM  Spanakopita Preparation

4:30 PM   Greek School:  Conversation Classes

5:30 PM   Choir Practice

5:30-6:30 PM  K - 5th gr. Festival Dance Practice

6:30 –7:30 PM  6th - 8th gr. Festival Dance Practice

6:30 - 7:30 PM 9th—12th Festival Dance Breezeway

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

4:30 PM   Greek School: Level 1 and up

Thursday, May 4, 2023

8:00  PM   Men's Discussion Group

6:00 PM    Paraklisis to the Theotokos

Friday, May 5, 2023

8:45 AM  Matins & Divine Liturgy:
St. Irene the Great Martyr &
St. Ephraim from Nea Makri

Sunday, May 7, 2023

8:45 AM  Matins & Divine Liturgy:
Sunday of the Paralytic

· 3 year Memorial for Olga Karahalios

· Coffee hour offered in loving memory by the family of Olga


Other News and Updates

Sign up Sheets will be available in the Breezeway for GREEK FESTIVAL VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES.  You may also contact the committee chairs to volunteer your talents or Mike Olympio at 336-918-2132.  Your time and talent is needed to help make the Greek Festival a success! We greatly appreciate it!



Chris Karahalios      336-978-2301    


Johnny Kortesis       336-399-2165    

Pete Bobotsiares     336-830-0020     

Sammy Gianopoulos 336-682-2290    


Cashiers & Runners       
                                 Matthew Greene                    336-244-7320; 
Michael Kangelaris 336-682-1901;
Johnny Pappas 704-650-9392

Church Tours Deacon Chris 407-421-6939
Chris Lohr 336-978-3585
Will Moye 336-775-7533

Dancing Lisa Siokis 336-407-8613
Stephen Karagiorgis 336-409-1456

Decorating; Signs Georgia Bobotsiares 336-240-5767

Beverages George Stabolitis 336-413-0800
James (Paki) Hondros 336-462-6026

Finance Jim Carros 336-413-6286
Chris Macropoulos 336-971-4073
Paul Anthony 336-671-0286

Frappe Preschool 336-765-3663

Gift Shop/Vendors Kathryn Spanos 336-761-1714

Gyro Dimitra Ballas & sons 336-782-3183
Gus Kroustalis    336 972 8808

Chicken on a Stick Sam Ballas 336-407-0085
Chris Panaras

Loukoumades Zoe Michael 336-848-7203

MC   Victoria Karagiorgis

Meal Line Cashier Lisa Kontos 336-345-3013

Drive-thru tent manager   Angelo Karagiorgis 336-692-4774

Jimmy Toompas (336) 549-8271

Drive thru / Dine in  Meals Thomas Karathanas 336-782-4514
Teddy J. Tsiolkas 336-462-4963

Ike Vlahos 336-830-3764
Georgia Bobotsiares 336-240-5767
Renee Kortesis 336-414-1364
Georgia Demopoulos 336-413-3598
Zack Williams   336 745-6389
Meat Cutting Pete Bobotsiares 336-830-0020

Pastry ; Baking Irene Kroustalis 336-782-8336

Angelic Carroll  336-287-9592

Pizza Chris Vasilos 336-407-9185
Tommy Vlachos 


a. Admission Paul Spanos   336 997-5145
Ody Chamis 336-972-2432

b. Set-up Ody Chamis 336-972-2432

c. Shuttle Johnny Vlachos  336 415-0357

Publicity/Advertisement  Victoria Karagiorgis

Purchasing / Supplies  Dennis Paloumbas 336 996-1243
Jimmy Capparelli 336 682 6456
Chris Karahalios 336 978-2301

Potato Michael Six 336-971-2898
Paul Simos  336 462-6978

Salad Gus Bouloubasis 336-682-0691
Apostolis Tsigas 336-782-4449
Jimmy Vlahos 336-414-7866

Set-up & Breakdown Sam Liontis 336-774-3074
Pete Mastoras 336-624-0248
Bill Demopoulos 336-692-4774
Kitchen  / Meals    Chris Karahalios 336-978-2301
George Kortesis  336-595-4175



COLLEGE & HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES - Graduation Sunday - June 4

We would like to honor all those who are graduating from High School, College, as well as those who graduated during the year. Please call or complete the form below and return to the office by May 31st  to have your graduate added to the list for Graduation Sunday service June 4th. The information will also be included in the July monthly bulletin.


______________________________                                ________________________________

Name                                                                                   College or High School Graduated From


______________________________                               ________________________________

Future Plans                                                                       Special Honors Received


Summer Bible camp will be the week of June 12-16, 2023. It will run from 9-11:30 am every day except Friday the 16th where it will run until 12 p.m. This year there will be a 20 dollar registration fee to help offset the cost of activities throughout the week. Please register at the link:


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