Sunday, April 23, 2023


SUNDAY of ANTIPASCHA, April 23, 2023~ Apostle Thomas sunday

St. George the Great Martyr

 Weekly Bulletin

Sunday Assignments

USHERS Team B:  Teddy J. Tsiolkas, Mike Olympio, George Petropoulos, Kiki Gonzales

CHURCH SERVICES COMMITTEE Team 3:  Renee Kortesis, Chris Nichols, Mike Kangelaris, Zack Williams

READER:  Will Moye          

MAIDENS FOR CHRIST Team 13:  Stella Grace Hodges, Abigail Marie Hodges, Rose Catherine Hodges, Nayia Balourdos, Sophia Plagianis

ALTAR BOYS MINISTRY Team 5:   Harilaos Satterfield - Leader, Haralambos Satterfield – Leader, Christos Katsoudas, Athan Kanellos, Konstantinos Ballas, Chrysovalantis Hull, Alexander Warren, Demetri Paloumbas, William Leonard, Konstantinos Kazakos, Stylianos Karagiannis

NURSERY ASSIGNMENTS:  Nicole Michael & Kathy Paloumbas


This Week at the Annunciation

Sunday, April 23, 2023

8:45 AM Matins & Divine Liturgy:
Sunday of Apostle Thomas &
St. George the Great

Artoclasia offered by Fr. George & Presv. Stavroula Kouzelis family, Helen C. Strates family and George & Chris Bambalis family

· Special General Assembly Meeting

· We encourage all Parishioners to attend the brief meeting with the focus being on Sanctuary Improvements & Renovations.

· Coffee Hour hosted by the following families:  Fr. George & Presv. Stavroula, Thomas Tsiaras family, George Petropoulos Family, Vasilios & Maria Xenikakis family & the Parish Council

Monday, April 24, 2023

6:00 PM  Parish Council Board Meeting

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

8:45 AM   Matins & Divine Liturgy:
St. Mark the Apostle

4:30 PM   Greek School:  Conversation Classes

5:30 PM   Choir Practice

5:30-6:30 PM  K - 5th gr. Festival Dance Practice

6:30 –7:30 PM  6th - 8th gr. Festival Dance Practice

6:30 - 7:30 PM 9th—12th Festival Dance Breezeway

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

11:00 AM  Mother's Disc. Group

4:30 PM   Greek School: Level 1 and up

5:30 PM   Choir Practice

Thursday, April 27, 2023

8:00  PM   Men's Discussion Group

10:30 PM  Grandparent's Discussion Group

6:00 PM    Paraklisis to the Theotokos

7:30 PM    OCF & YAL @ Little Richards

Saturday, April 29, 2023

12:30 pm District  Level Oratorical Festival for 1st & 2nd Place Finalists, at Holy Trinity Church in Raleigh, NC

Sunday, April 30, 2023

8:45 AM  Matins & Divine Liturgy:
Sunday of the Myrrh - Bearing Women

· Philoptochos will pass a special tray to benefit Clergy Education.

· 1 year Memorial for Voula Vlasis

· 1 year Memorial for Despina Strates

· Coffee Hour hosted in loving memory of Voula & Despina by their families


Other News and Updates

TODAY, Sunday, April 23, there will be a Special General Assembly Meeting after the Divine Liturgy. This will be a brief meeting concerning Improvements and Renovations to our Sanctuary.  We encourage all our parishioners to make every effort to attend, Importantly, we ask the younger generation to attend, for this will benefit them the most and their families, for generations to come.


*Childcare & a light lunch will be provided for the children so that parents may be able to attend the meeting.



 A HEARING AIDE was FOUND in the Pavilion after the EASTER PICNIC.  Please call the office at (336) 765-7145, to claim it if it is yours.  Also, a gold baptismal cross was found in the sanctuary.  Possibly a child's cross.


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