Sunday, March 19, 2023 Bulletin
SUNDAY, March 19, 2023 ~ SUNDAY OF the veneration of the holy cross
USHERS Team B: Dino Cortesis, Kosta Hodges, Thomas Tsiaras, Chris Lohr
CHURCH SERVICES COMMITTEE Team 3: Teddy J. Tsiolkas, Mike Olympio, George Petropoulos, Kiki Gonzales
READER: Chris Lohr
MAIDENS FOR CHRIST Team 9: Theodora Michelle Burdette, Justina Carol Burdette, Christaina Ferentinos, Mary Katherine Chamis, Jaquelyn Vasilios Xenakis
ALTAR BOYS MINISTRY Team 1: Nektarios Vgenopoulos – Leader, Evangelos Paparoupas, Panagiotis Lambis, Konstantinos Lambis, Anastasios Kazakos, Pavlos S. Strates, Nathaniel Burdette, Alexander Burns, Alexander Kroustalis, Lucas Casper, Nicholas Casper
NURSERY ASSIGNMENTS: Kelly Koutsoupias and Kelly Bobotsiares
Sunday, March 19, 2023
8:45 AM Matins & Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great Sunday of the Holy Cross
· We thank Mr. & Mrs. Nick & Efrosene Samaras who donated, once again this year, the beautiful daffodils that are being distributed today. They truly beautify our church.
· Local St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival
Monday, March 20. 2023
6:00 PM Great Compline Service
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
10:00 AM Kourambiedes Preparation
4:30 PM Greek School: Conversation Classes
5:30-6:30 PM Kindergarten - 5th Grade Fest. Dance Practice
6:30 –7:30 PM 6th grade - 8th Grade Fest. Dance Practice -Upstairs
6:30 - 7:30 pm 9th -12th Grade Dance Practice - Breezeway
7:00 PM Orthodoxy 101 Rm #117
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
4:30 PM Greek School: Level 1 and up
6:00 PM Pre-Sanctified Liturgy
After the liturgy, parishioners may bring a Lenten dish to share in fellowship in the breezeway.
Thursday, March 23, 2023
8:00 AM Men's Discussion Group
6:00 PM Paraklisis to the Theotokos
Friday, March 24, 2023
6:00 PM Great Hierarchical Vespers for the Feast of the Annunciation - Presided by His Grace Bishop Sebastian of Zela
· Artoklasia offered by Father George Kouzelis & family for the entire Annunciation Church
· Artoklasia offered by Helen C. Strates & family
· Artoclasia offered by Panayiotis & Rodi Karaisarides
· Philoptochos invites ALL to join in fellowship for Lenten Dinner to follow in the Breezeway
Saturday, March 25, 2023
8:45 AM Hierarchical Matins & Divine Liturgy: Annunciation of the Theotokos, Presided by His Grace Bishop Sebastian of Zela
Sunday, March 26, 2023
8:45 AM Matins & Divine Liturgy:
Sunday of St, John Climacus
Hierarchical Matins & Divine Liturgy:
Presided by His Grace Bishop Sebastian of Zela
· 3 year memorial for Vasiliki (Bessie) Rizos
· 40 day memorial for Konstantinos Iliopoulos
· Coffee hour is hosted by the family of Vasiliki
· Greek School Independence Day Luncheon & Program in the Fellowship Hall
Tickets to the March 25th Greek School Program are on sale in the Breezeway today...Seating is going fast so get your tickets today!
The children have been practicing for weeks and are ready to showcase their talent and cultural pride for Greece and
Greek Independence Day!
Please come and support them!
On Sunday, April 23, 2023, there will be a Special Assembly Meeting after the Divine Liturgy. The topic will only be about the Improvements and Renovations to our Sanctuary. We encourage all our parishioners to make every effort to attend.
Youth, Education& Hellenic Culture
'Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,For they shall be filled." ~Matthew 5:6
Camper Registration
Camper Registration will open Wednesday, March 29 at 12:00 p.m. ETCamper Registration Cost is $500.00 per camper.$250.00 deposit upon registration and the remainder will be due by June 15, 2023.
Staff Applications
All Staff must be 18 years old with one year post high school experience. We are looking for a Logistic Coordinator, Medical Staff, 12 Cabin Staff, Lifeguard, Utility Staff, Arts & Crafts and Rope Course Leaders each week. Be a part of the Best Week(s) of the year!
Amazon Wishlist
We have put together an Amazon Wish List of items to assist in making St. Stephen's Summer Camp the best week of the year. Please take a moment and see if you can help in any way. All items will be shipped directly to the Metropolis in Atlanta.If you do give us a gift, please let us know who you are so we can Thank You! Click Here!
Remaining items that are left for parishioners to donate toward, are listed below.
This year, the Epitaphio Flowers will be open to all parishioners. Any and all parishioners can donate a minimum of $200 toward the Epitaphio Flowers. You still have the opportunity to donate toward the Epitaphio Flowers. Please call Stacy Karagiorgis,
at 336– 575-6904, between 10:00 am to 4:00 pm to request your donation.
All requests will be made on a first come - first serve basis.
We thank you for your generosity!
· Epitaphio Flowers (Accepting Contributions from all parishioners) $200. minimum
· Salutations Flowers, Icon of Panagia - Week 5 (March 31) $135
· Raising of Lazarus Icon - April 8 $125
· Holy Thursday - Flowers at the Iconostasis for The Theotokos- 12 Gospels - April 13 $175· Flower sprays for columns of Annunciation Icon Stand in Narthex $350
· Holy Saturday Morning – Bay leaves and Flower Petals (20 bags) $ 35 ea
Please call the office at (336) 765-7145 with your request for LILIES or complete the Lilies form & return to the office by Palm Sunday, April 9th.CHRIST IS RISEN
Easter Lilies - $25.00 Donation per Lily (Deadline by Palm Sunday, April 9th)
IN LOVING MEMORY OF_____________________________________________________
IN HONOR OF______________________________________________________________
FOR THE GOOD HEALTH_____________________________________________________