Sunday April 2, 2023
SUNDAY, April 2, 2023 ~ Sunday of St. MARY OF EGYPT
USHERS Team D: Harry Plagianis, Paul Spanos, Steve Hodges, Mike Olympio
CHURCH SERVICES COMMITTEE Team 1: Tom Giannopoulos, Presvytera Stacy Shepherd, Allan Hild, Michael Six
READER: Ron Sheppard
MAIDENS FOR CHRIST Team 11: Eva Skoteiniadis, Alexia Kroustalis, Vasia Chrysovalantou Sialmas, Maria Eleni Sialmas
ALTAR BOYS MINISTRY Team 3: Gabriel Vgenopoulos – Leader, Jaxson Faughman, Demetrios Grasos, Andreas T. Kazakos, John Skoteiniadis, Pavlos P. Strates , Lucas P. Strates, Vasili Johnson, Dimitri Johnson, Demetri Ioannou, Panayioti Demopoulos
NURSERY ASSIGNMENTS: Emily Rogatsios and Corrie Ebert
Sunday, April 2, 2023
8:45 AM Matins & Divine Liturgy:
Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt
· 1 year Memorial Service for Father Nikolas Kossis (spiritual Father of Father George)
· Coffee hour hosted by Father George & Family & members of the community
Monday, April 3. 2023
10:00 AM Warm up America
6:00 PM Great Compline Service
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
1:00 PM Galactoboureko Preparation
(note the time)
4:30 PM Greek School: Conversation Classes
7:00 PM Orthodoxy 101 Rm #117
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
4:30 PM Greek School: Level 1 and up
6:00 PM Pre-Sanctified Liturgy
After the liturgy, parishioners may bring a Lenten dish to share in fellowship in the breezeway.
Thursday, April 6, 2023
6:00 PM Paraklisis to the Theotokos
Friday, April 7, 2023
6:00 PM GOYA Lock in -
Preparing Palm Crosses
Saturday, April 8, 2023
8:45 AM Matins & Divine Liturgy
Saturday of Lazarus followed by
HOPE & JOY Retreat
2:00 PM Philoptochos General Meeting -
Topic: Father George will conduct a Martha & Mary Workshop
6:30 PM Great Vespers of Palm Sunday
Sunday, April 9, 2023 PALM SUNDAY
8:45 Am Matins & Divine Liturgy
· Philoptochos Annual Palm Sunday Luncheon in the Fellowship Hall
· Deadline to submit Scholarship Applications to the office
· 6:30 PM First Bridegroom Service presided by His Grace Bishop Sebastian of Zela.
As in years past, our Annunciation Church is pleased to offer Educational Scholarships.
Scholarships will be offered for the 2023-2024 School Year through funds provided by
The Annunciation Greek Orthodox Foundation.
Applications are available and can be found in a folder on the desk in the breezeway that holds the Kiosk.
Please return applications to the church office by the April 9th DEADLINE.
Mark your envelope "Attention Scholarship Committee - CONFIDENTIAL"
Easter Picnic, Volunteers Needed:
We are pleased to inform you that the Parish Council will host the annual Easter Picnic at our Church on Sunday, April 16th at Noon. The PC will provide roasted lamb, hotdogs, hamburgers, buns, condiments, flatware, napkins and sweet tea. We ask each family to bring one or two side dishes of appetizers, vegetables, salads, chips, and desserts, with enough to feed 5-8 people. You are welcome to bring your own cooler of private beverages.
HELP NEEDED for set-up, if you could arrive around 9-9:30 am. Please text Gus Hodges only if you need more information at 336-782-2596. Thank you!