Sunday, January 22, 2023

15th Sunday of Luke
Weekly Bulletin

Sunday Assignments

USHERS Team B:  Teddy J. Tsiolkas, Mike Olympio, George Petropoulos, Kiki Gonzales

CHURCH SERVICES COMMITTEE Team 3:  Renee Kortesis, Chris Nichols, Mike Kangelaris, Zack Williams

READER:  Anthony Whitley

MAIDENS FOR CHRIST Team 1:  Kaitlyn Bryan, Marianna Vlachos, Nina Holton, Zoe Vasiliki Kazakos, Lilian Grace Kazakos

ALTAR BOYS MINISTRY Team 5:   Harilaos Satterfield - Leader, Haralambos Satterfield – Leader, Christos Katsoudas, Athan Kanellos, Konstantinos Ballas, Chrysovalantis Hull, Alexander Warren, Demetri Paloumbas, William Leonard, Konstantinos Kazakos, Stylianos Karagiannis

 NURSERY ASSIGNMENTS:  Nicole Michael, Emily Rogatsios


This Week at the Annunciation
Sunday, January 22, 2023
8:45 AM Matins & Divine Liturgy
15th Sunday of Luke
· Vasilopita Luncheon hosted by Philoptochos in the Fellowship Hall
· Please join us in cutting the traditional Vasilopitas
· The Hellenic Dance Troupe will be entertaining us at the luncheon

Monday, January 23, 2023
10:00 AM  Warm Up America  Presvytera Betsey will once again be joining.
6:00 PM  OCF Meeting @ Little Richard's/Stratford Rd.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023
4:30 PM   Greek School:  Conversation Classes
5:30 PM   Choir Practice
7:00 PM   ORTHODOXY 101 Rm #117

Wednesday, January 25, 2023
8:45 AM  Matins & Divine Liturgy
St. Gregory the Theologian
4:30 PM   Greek School:  Level 1 and up
5:30 PM   Choir Practice

Thursday, January 26, 2023
8:00 AM  Men's Discussion Group
6:00 PM  Paraklisis to the Theotokos
7:30  PM YAL meeting @ 66 Grill Restaurant at 3440 Frontis Street

Friday, January 27, 2023
8:45 AM Matins & Divine Liturgy
St. John Chrysostom (Translation of his Relics)

Sunday, January 29, 2023
 8:45 AM   Matins & Divine Liturgy:
Sunday of the Canaanite Woman
· 3 year Memorial Service for Panayioti M. Bobotsiares
· 40 Day Memorial Service for Seraphim Bobotsiares
· Greek School hosts its customary program in honor of the Three Great Hierarchs and Ecumenical Teachers

· Coffee hour offered by Stavros & Georgia Bobotsiares Family & the Greek School.
Other News and Updates

VASILOPITA LUNCHEON -  Please join us today
as Philoptochos once again hosts the annual Vasilopita Luncheon at the Fellowship Hall. 
We are looking forward to gathering again for the traditional cutting of the Vasilopita!

Menu for Adults

Combo Souvlaki Skewers,
Pork & Chicken, Rice, Salad-$15.00

Menu for Children

Chicken Souvlaki, Rice, Salad-$10.00

And of course, the delicious homemade Vasilopitas from the hands of our wonderful ladies of our parish! 

Proceeds from the Vasilopita cutting to benefit St. Basil's Academy




CrossRoad is a ten-day academic summer institute that prepares rising high school seniors and graduating seniors (current 11th and 12th graders) to make big life decisions and invites them to connect with the Orthodox Christian theological and spiritual tradition in a deep and meaningful way. 

Please visit to learn about their amazing summer sessions in Boston, Chicago, and San Francisco. 


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