January 29, 2023 Sunday Bulletin


Weekly Bulletin
Sunday Assignments

SUNDAY, January 29, 2023 ~ Sunday of the Canaanite woman

Removal of the relics of St. Ignatius the god-bearer ~ St. Lawrence of the kiev caves

USHERS Team C:  Spiro Strates, Sammy Gianopoulos, Lisa Siokis

CHURCH SERVICES COMMITTEE Team 4:  Helen Uhl, George Kortesis, Tony Vlasis, Apostolis Tsigas

READER:  Will Moye

MAIDENS FOR CHRIST Team 2:  Roxanne Gianopoulos, Angelina Paparoupas, Maria Eleftheria Karagiorgis, Dionysia Chrysa Koutsoupias, Maria Anastasia Koutsoupias

ALTAR BOYS MINISTRY Team 6:   Niko Vlahos – Leader, William Pierce – Leader, Panteleimon Leontaritis, Nicholas Kontos, Richard Knight, Andreas A. Kazakos, John T. Kazakos,  Maximus T. Kazakos, Leonidas Karabelas, Thanasi Karabelas, Vasili Karabelas

 NURSERY ASSIGNMENTS:  Kelly Bobotsiares and Zoe Nixon


This Week at the Annunciation

Sunday, January 29, 2023

8:45 AM Matins & Divine Liturgy
Sunday of the Canaanite

· 40 day Memorial for Seraphim Bobotsiares

· 3 year Memorial  for Panayiotis M. Bobotsiares

· Coffee hour offered by the Bobotsiares family and the Greek School

Monday, January 30, 2023

8:45 AM  Matins & Divine Liturgy
Synaxis of the Three Hierarchs

· 1 year memorial for Maria Shepherd

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

4:30 PM   Greek School:  Conversation Classes

5:30 PM   Choir Practice

7:00 PM   ORTHODOXY 101 Rm #117

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

4:30 PM   Greek School:  Level 1 and up

5:30 PM   Choir Practice

6:00 PM   Philoptochos Board Meeting Thursday, February 2, 2023

8:45 AM  Matins & Divine Liturgy:
Presentation of Our Lord

6:00 PM  Paraklisis to the Theotokos

Sunday, February 5, 2023 (TRIODION  Begins)

8:45 AM   Matins & Divine Sunday of the Publican & Pharisee

· GodParent/GodChild Sunday:  The Youth are encouraged to sit with their Godparents. All are encouraged to prepare for Holy Communion.  Sunday School is regular time after services.

· 40 day memorial for Sophia Aslanis

· Coffee hour offered by Margaret Aslanis-Nystrom & Tina Nystrom

 Other News and Updates

Parishioners, within a week you should be receiving  in the mail, the 2022 Annual Contributions Statement for IRS Tax purposes .
Please email bookkeeping@wsgoc.org  if you do not receive it by the end of the week.

CrossRoad is a ten-day academic summer institute that prepares rising high school seniors and graduating seniors (current 11th and 12th graders) to make big life decisions and invites them to connect with the Orthodox Christian theological and spiritual tradition in a deep and meaningful way. 

Please visit www.CrossRoadInstitute.org to learn about their amazing summer sessions in Boston, Chicago, and San Francisco. 



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