Sunday, January 9th Bulletin


Weekly Bulletin

If you would like to schedule a

House Blessing, please complete the form that you will find in the narthex or
call the office.

 Sunday Assignments

USHERS TEAM c – Greg Karagiorgis, Chris Kroustalis, Frank Moutos, Jimmy Paloumbas

CHURCH SERVICES COMMITTEE - Team 3 – Renee Kortesis, Chris Nichols, Pete Mastoras, Mike Kangelaris

READER – George Kalamaras

MAIDENS FOR CHRIST - TEAM 6 – Annie Bridges, Victoria Stabolitis, Eva McCullough, Zoe McCullough 

ALTAR BOYS MINISTRY - TEAM 1 -  John Stabolitis, John Petropoulos, Jack Hamberis, William Pierce, Panayioti Demopoulos


This Week at the Annunciation

Sunday, January 9, 2022

8:45 AM   Matins & Divine Liturgy:  Sunday after Theophany

· 40 - day memorial for Aristides "Harry" Elefantis  -  Coffee hour hosted by the family of Harry Elefantis

· At the conclusion of services, all Parish Council members will take the Oath of Office.  We will be presenting outgoing members with a small gift as a token of appreciation of their service.

· The new Parish Council will meet to elect officers after Fr. George completes service.

· Vasilopita Luncheon is Postponed to January 23rd.

Monday, January 10, 2022

10:00 AM  Warm – Up America

6:00 PM    Parish Council Meeting

7:00 PM    Orthodoxy 101

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

9:30 AM   Adult Discussion Group

Mother's Spiritual Discussion Group is postponed to January 20th

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

4:30 PM   Greek School: Regular Classes

4:30 PM   Greek School: Conversation Class

Philoptochos General Meeting Postponed 

-  date to be determined

Thursday, January 13, 2022

8:00 AM   Men's Discussion Group

6:00 PM   Paraklisis to the Theotokos

 Friday, January 14-Monday January 17

Hellenic Dance Festival, Orlando, Florida

Sunday, January 16, 2022

8:45 AM   Matins & Divine Liturgy:  12th Sunday of Luke

· 40  -  Day Memorial for Katerina "Kathy" Paloumbas.  Coffee hour hosted by the family of Katerina Paloumbas

Monday, January 17, 2022

10:00 AM  Warm  - Up America

NO Orthodoxy 101 class (MLK Holiday) 

NO ACA Classes (MLK Holiday)

*Although it is a Holiday, the office will be OPEN


Other News and Updates
Please remember to submit your 2022 Pledge Cards so that we can better project our Financial Needs for the New Year.
There will be a Stewardship Card Drop-off Box in the Narthex for your convenience.
Please keep a look-out in the next few weeks for an email with information on how you can pledge online and update your family information

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