Sun. Jan. 23 Weekly Bulletin


Weekly Bulletin

Sunday Assignments

USHERS - Team B - Dino Cortesis, Greg Karagiorgis, Ted Tsiolkas, Stan Carroll
CHURCH SERVICES COMMITTEE - TEAM 1 – Tom Giannopoulos, Stacy Shepherd, Allan Hild, George Kalamaras
READER – John Washinsky
MAIDENS FOR CHRIST - TEAM 8 – Angelina Paparoupas, Eva Skoteiniadis, Kaitlyn Bryan, Emma Leonard
ALTAR BOYS MINISTRY - Team 2 – George Sechrest, Christian Gallos, Angelo Leontaritis, Jack Nolan, Demetri Ioannou, Luke Holton, Lucas Thomas, Athan Kanellas, Chrysovalanti Hull, Stylianos Karagiannis, Dafi Siokis, Mario Strates, Pavlos Strates, Lucas Strates

This Week at the Annunciation
Sunday, January 23, 2022
8:45 AM   Matins & Divine Liturgy: 14th Sunday of Luke
· Passing of special tray by Philoptochos to benefit St. Basil Academy
· Blessing of the Vasilopita
· Philoptochos Sponsoring coffee hour (Vasilopita avail. to all parishioners)
· Drawing of ACA raffles already sold will take place in the breezeway

Monday, January 24, 2022
10:00 AM   Warm-Up America
  7:00 PM   Orthodoxy 101

Tuesday, January 25, 2022
8:45 AM    Matins & Divine Liturgy: St. Gregory the Theologian

Wednesday, January 26, 2022
4:30 PM   Greek School: Regular Classes
4:30 PM   Greek School: Conversation Class
4:45 PM   Orthodox Parent's Discussion Group  "Spiritual marriage & its impact on children" in the breezeway.

Thursday, January 27, 2022
8:45 AM Matins & Divine Liturgy: Translation of the Relics of St. John Chrysostom
6:00 PM   Paraklisis to the Theotokos

Sunday, January 30, 2022
8:45 AM   Matins & Divine Liturgy: The Three Hierarchs
· 6 - month Memorial for Antoni Bakola & 1 - year Memorial for Jim Ballas
· Greek School Presentation for the Three Hierarchs
· Coffee hour hosted by the family of Jim Ballas and Antoni Bakola & the GPTO
· 5:00 PM  GOYA Meeting in the Pavilion



Other News and Updates

Please remember to submit your 2022 Pledge Cards so that we can better project our Financial Needs for the New Year.
There will be a Stewardship Card Drop-off Box in the Narthex for your convenience.
Please keep a look-out in the next few weeks for an email with information on how you can pledge online and update your family information.

  The Spring semester of "Orthodoxy 101" led by Dn. Chris will begin on Thursday, February 3.  The class will meet weekly at 7pm in the 4th Grade Sunday School room for 12 classes.  Please contact Dn. Chris ( for more information or to join.


Although the due date for the Commemorative Album has passed, we are still missing submissions from key families in our community. So, we would once again like to urge our community to participate and "Be Apart of History" by submitting an advertisement as soon as possible to be included in this special celebration.

For more information, go to To fill out the form, click the "Commemorative Album Form" button.

All your questions, comments, & concerns can be directed to Stacy Karagiorgis.

Phone: 336-575-6904
Submissions are due: January 31, 2022

If you would like to schedule a House Blessing, please complete the form that you will find in the narthex or call the office.


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