Jan. Monthly and Sun. Jan. 5th Weekly Bulletins

We hope you all have a
Blessed New Year!

January Monthly Bulletin
Jan. 5th Weekly Bulletin
Sunday Assignments
USHERS TEAM B – Ilias Vlachos, Stavros Karagiorgis, Zena Gallins, Sammy Gianopoulos
CHURCH SERVICES COMMITTEE - Team 2 – Gus  Kroustalis, Paul Spanos, Tommy Karathanas, Litsa Liontis, James (Paki) Hondros
READER – Will Moye
MAIDENS FOR CHRIST - TEAM 5 – Dionisia Leloudis, Ourania Leloudis, Lyndsay Lambis, Emily Lazaris


This Week at the Annunciation
Sunday, January 2, 2022
8:45 AM   Matins & Divine Liturgy: Sunday Before Epiphany
- Coffee hour OPEN

Monday, January 3, 2022
NO  Warm - Up America on Jan 3rd
7:00 PM   Orthodoxy 101

Tuesday, January 4, 2022
8:45 AM  Matins & Divine Liturgy:  St. Nikephoros the Leper (Protector Saint of the Coronavirus)

Wednesday, January 5, 2022
ACA       First Day students return 2022
8:45 AM   Matins & Divine Liturgy:  Eve of Theophany Great Hours/Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil/Great Agiasmos
4:30 PM   Greek School: Regular Classes
4:30 PM   Greek School: Conversation Class
6:00 PM   Philoptochos Board Meeting

Thursday, January 6, 2022
8:45 AM   Matins & Divine Liturgy/Great Agiasmos:  Holy  Theophany
6:00 PM   Paraklisis to the Theotokos

Friday, January 7, 2022
8:45 AM   Matins & Divine Liturgy:  St. John the Baptist

Sunday, January 9, 2022
8:45 AM   Matins & Divine Liturgy:  Sunday after Theophany
- 40 - day memorial for Aristides "Harry" Elefantis  Coffee hour hosted by the family of Harry Elefantis
- At the conclusion of services, all the parish Council members will take the oath of office
- Vasilopita Luncheon to take place after services  - Dine - In the Fellowship Hall or by Take – Out.   Free-will donation for both the meal and the Vasilopites.  Your generosity is always appreciated!  The proceeds from the Vasilopita will go to St. Basil Academy and the Luncheon proceeds will benefit the National, Metropolis and Local obligations of Philoptochos.  The Ladies of Philoptochos cordially invite the community to attend



News & Updates
Winter Youth Rally Updates
We welcome our GOYAns back home from their four day trip and are thankful for their safe return.  We were so happy that they were able to participate together this year, as a family in Orthodox faith and fellowship, at the Winter Youth Rally in Atlanta.

Congratulations to our GOYA Teams!
Junior Boys Basketball — 1st place
Senior Boys Basketball — 3rd place
Girls Volleyball — 4th place

Much fun was had by all!


Stewardship Update
Please remember to submit your 2022 Pledge Cards so that we can better project our Financial Needs for the New Year.

There will be a Stewardship Card Drop-off Box in the Narthex for your convenience.

Please keep a look-out in the next few weeks for an email with information on how you can pledge online and update your family information.


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