Christmas Bulletin
We would like to wish our community a
Blessed Nativity!
Blessed Nativity!
Weekly Bulletin
Eve Christmas Assignments
CHURCH SERVICES COMMITTEE - Team 3 – Renee Kortesis, Chris Nichols, Pete Mastoras, Mike Kangelaris
CHURCH SERVICES COMMITTEE - Team 3 – Renee Kortesis, Chris Nichols, Pete Mastoras, Mike Kangelaris
Happening this Week
Friday, December 24, 20218:45 AM Service of Royal Hours (No Liturgy)
6:00 PM Matins & Divine Liturgy: Nativity of Christ
Saturday, December 25, 2021
Wishing our Community a Blessed Nativity
Sunday, December 26, 2021
8:45 AM Matins & Divine Liturgy: Sunday After Nativity (No Sunday School)
-Coffee Hour sponsored by Sophia McCutcheon
Monday, December 27, 2021
7:30 AM Matins & Divine Liturgy: Stephen, the First Martyr
Winter Youth Rally participants should attend Divine Liturgy at 8:00 am. Departure from church is at 9:30 am Dec. 27 & return on Dec. 30
7:00 PM Orthodoxy 101
Thursday, December 30, 2021
Deadline to call or text Minas Tsambounieres to be removed from the Kalanda list - (216) 394-8499
Monday, December 27, 2021
7:30 AM Matins & Divine Liturgy: Stephen, the First Martyr
Winter Youth Rally participants should attend Divine Liturgy at 8:00 am. Departure from church is at 9:30 am Dec. 27 & return on Dec. 30
7:00 PM Orthodoxy 101
Thursday, December 30, 2021
Deadline to call or text Minas Tsambounieres to be removed from the Kalanda list - (216) 394-8499
Friday, December 31, 2021
11:00 AM GOYA Kalanda
7:30 PM Matins & Divine Liturgy (Vigil Service): St. Basil the Great
Saturday, January 1, 2022
Sunday, January 2, 2022
8:45 AM Matins & Divine Liturgy: Sunday Before Epiphany
· Coffee hour OPEN
Letters from our Hierarchs
HIS EMINENCE'S Letter for the 12 Days of Christmas
News & Updates
Parish Council Elections
We would like to thank ALL who accepted nominations for Parish Council.
The following were elected to serve the two (2) year term (2022-2023)
They are listed in alphabetical order:
Sammy Gianopoulos, Kostas Hodges, Dino Kortesis, Lisa Siokis, Paul Spanos, Spiro Strates, Teddy J. Tsiolkas
We ask that you continue praying for our elected Parish Council members that they will continue leading our parish towards Christ. We thank them for their dedication to our parish!
Our sincere appreciation to the following Parish Council members
who have completed their term of office:
Pete Bobotsiares, *Dino Cortesis, Paula Christakos, *Sammy Gianopoulos, Stavros Karagiorgis, Chris Kroustalis, & Ilias Vlachos
* Returning for another term
Lastly, we would like to thank our Nominating Committee and Elections Committee for their assistance in administering the election of our new Parish Council Members.
Submit Pledge Cards
Please remember to submit your 2022 Pledge Cards so that we can better project our Financial Needs for the New Year.
There will be a Stewardship Card Drop-off Box in the Narthex for your convenience.
Please keep a look-out in the next few weeks for an email with information on how you can pledge online and update your family information.