Sunday, August 15th Weekly Bulletin

Weekly Bulletin

Sunday School Registration

Our first day of classes will be Sunday, September 12th and we look forward to seeing all of our youth then. We ask that you register your children before the start of Sunday School if possible. We need to have a registration form for every child in Sunday School. You can access the registration form by going to or you may fill out a hard copy that can be found either at the church office or you will get one on the first day of Sunday School. 

Rental Properties
We would love to know if anyone in our community has rental properties available. There are some in our community, or arriving to our community who are in need of a place to stay. Thank you!

Calling The Church?
When making a call to the church please be sure to listen to all the menu options to be directed to the right person. Here is an updated list of the church's contacts:

90th Anniversary Commemorative Album

Visit for more information

Community Picnic


Our Church is preparing a new pictorial directory! We want everyone to get a new picture made so that our new directory will be complete.  IT WON'T BE COMPLETE WITHOUT YOU! You can use the link below and make our appointment on-line. Please go ahead and do that now.
Schedule Online @
Photo dates are: September 13 - 18, 2021

Cemetery Plots Available For Purchase

During our Special General Assembly on June 27, our Annunciation community voted to purchase 30 monument plots in section 19-A at Forsyth Memorial Park located in the southern end of "our" church's section.
Currently there are 22 plots still available. Each plot costs $4,095 and includes the grave opening.  If you're interested in purchasing a plot please contact the church office. Thank you!

Call to Action: Support the Greece Fires Relief Fund
My Brothers in Christ,

I greet you with love and joy in the Name of our Lord and Savior, praying that you and your loved ones receive His blessings of health, peace, and joy as we prepare to celebrate the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God!

Unfortunately, as the peaceful days of summer have been affected by the recent wildfires throughout Greece, I know that we ask the Theotokos to intercede on behalf of those who have been displaced and have lost their livelihoods as a result of these natural disasters.

I would like to uplift our Archbishop's Elpidophoros's efforts to support those in need by encouraging our parishes to collectively offer gifts to support the victims of these wildfires. Quoting His Eminence, "I am calling on every parish across our sacred Archdiocese this Sunday to take-up a special collection for this purpose — the same day on which we celebrate the feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos. I am also inviting whoever wishes to make a direct donation, to do so by visiting the website of our Archdiocese. An accounting of all funds raised for this purpose will be made public, so that every person of goodwill can see how their generosity has effectuated positive results on the ground in Greece. "

To that end, please encourage all our faithful to visit if they feel so moved to offer individual donations.

May our collective intercessions to our Creator help to bring a spirit of healing and peace to those individuals and communities affected.

Paternally yours, with much love in the Lord,

+ A L E X I O S
Metropolitan of Atlanta

Happening This Week

Sunday, August 15, 2021

8:45 AM  Dormition of the Theotokos Matins & Divine Liturgy
As requested by the Archdiocese,  we will be passing a special-donation tray to help those suffering from the wildfires in Greece
-Coffee Hour offered by Parish Council

Monday, August 16, 2021

8:45 AM   Matins & Divine Liturgy: St. Joseph the Hesychast

Thursday, August 19, 2021

6:00 PM   Paraklisis to the Theotokos

Saturday, August 21, 2021

6:00 PM - 11:00 PM   Vigil at the Holy Monastery of Panagia Prousiotissa in Troy, NC

Sunday, August 22, 2021

8:45 AM   Matins & Divine Liturgy:
9th Sunday of Matthew
+1yr Memorial for Nick Kroustalis
+Coffee Hour offered  in loving memory of Nick by the family

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