April Bulletin & Holy Week Schedule

Hello Annunciation Family,

Find below the announcements for April 2021

April 2021 Monthly Bulletin:
March 25 Parade Slideshow:

Lenten Schedule:
As we continue our journey through Lent, please join us for our weekly services:
  • Great Compline - Monday @ 5:00 PM
  • Presanctified Liturgy - Wednesday @ 6:00 PM
  • Paraklisis to the Theotokos - Thursday  @ 6:00 PM
  • Salutations to the Theotokos - Friday @ 6:00 PM

Fr. George, the Parish Council, the Philoptochos Society, the Church Office, and all the Ministries, Organizations and Committees, of our Annunciation Church wish you ALL a Blessed and Joyous EASTER!

Holy Week Schedule:

Saturday. of Lazarus, April 24

Matins & Divine Liturgy 8:45am

Vespers Service of Palm Sunday 6:00pm

Palm Sunday, April 25

Matins & Div. Liturgy 8:45am

Bridegroom Service 6:30pm

Holy Monday, April 26

Bridegroom Service 6:30pm

Holy Tuesday, April 27

Bridegroom Service 6:30pm 

Holy Wednesday, April 28

Presanctified Divine Liturgy 8:45am

Sacrament of Holy Unction  4:00pm

Bridegroom Service 6:30pm

(Holy Unction's anointment immediately after both Services)

Holy Thursday, April 29

Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil 8:45am

Service of the Passion and Crucifixion of Jesus Christ 6:30pm

Holy Friday, April 30

Service of the Royal Hours 10:30am

Apokathilosis Vespers 3:00pm

Epitaphios Service  6:30pm

Holy Saturday, May 1

Vigil Resurrection Service 11:00pm

Divine Liturgy of Resurrection 12:30am

Great & Holy Pascha (Sunday), May 2

Vespers of Agape 11:00am

Renewal Monday (Feast of St. George the Great-Martyr), May 3

Matins & Divine Liturgy 8:45am

Renewal Tuesday (Feast of St. Raphael, Nicholas & Irene), May 4

Matins & Divine Liturgy 8:45am

Renewal Wednesday (Feast of St. Irene the Great-Martyr), May 5

Matins & Divine Liturgy 8:45am

Renewal Friday (Feast of Theotokos of the Life-Giving Font), May 7

Matins & Divine Liturgy 8:45am

Apostle Thomas Sunday, May 9

Matins & Divine Liturgy 8:45am


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