Sunday, March 26, 2023


SUNDAY, March 26, 2023 ~ Sunday of St.  john Climacus

Apodosis of the feast of annunciation

Synaxis of archangel gabriel~26 Martyrs in crimea

 Weekly Bulletin

Sunday Assignments

USHERS Team C:  Spiro Strates, Sammy Gianopoulos, Lisa Siokis, Kosta Hodges

CHURCH SERVICES COMMITTEE Team 4:  Helen Uhl, George Kortesis, Tony Vlasis, Apostolis Tsigas

READER:  John Washinsky                

MAIDENS FOR CHRIST Team 10:  Victoria Simos, Leah Sophia Papakostas, Alyssa Nicole Papakostas, Christina Maria Paloumbas, Sophie Tsolis

ALTAR BOYS MINISTRY Team 2:   Evangelos Kortesis – Leader, John Spinosa, John Nolan, Mario Strates, Stavro Bobotsiares, Lucas Thomas, Conner Webb, Robert Blevins, Vincent Capparelli, Harrison Caparelli, Christian Burns, Michael Faughnan, Jackson Faughnan

NURSERY ASSIGNMENTS:  Miranda Diakos and Zoe Nixon


This Week at the Annunciation

Sunday, March 26, 2023

8:45  AM  Matins & Divine Liturgy:
Sunday of St. John Climacus

Hierarchical Matins & Divine Liturgy:
Presided by His Grace Bishop Sebastian of Zela

· 3 year memorial for Vasiliki
(Bessie) Rizos

· 40 day memorial for Konstantinos Iliopoulos

· Coffee hour is hosted by the family of Vasiliki 

· Greek School Independence Day Luncheon & Program in the Fellowship Hall

Monday, March 27. 2023

6:00 PM    Great Compline Service

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

9:30 AM    Adult Discussion Group

No baking preparation this week.  We will resume baking preparation on April 4th.

4:30 PM   Greek School:  Conversation Classes

5:30-6:30 PM  Kindergarten - 5th Grade Fest. Dance Practice

6:30 –7:30 PM  6th grade - 8th Grade Fest. Dance Practice  UPSTAIRS

6:30 PM  - 7:30 PM 9th—12th Grade Dance Practice in Breezeway

7:00 PM  Orthodoxy 101 Rm #117

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

4:30 PM   Greek School: Level 1 and up

4:30 PM   Stewardship Committee Meeting

6:00 PM   Pre-Sanctified Liturgy

After the liturgy, parishioners may bring a Lenten dish to share in fellowship in the breezeway.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

8:00 AM    Men's Discussion Group

5:00 PM    Paraklisis to the Theotokos (only for this week)

6:00 PM    Parent & Youth Gathering in breezeway

Friday, March 31, 2023

Friday through Sunday, April 2nd, Lenten Retreat at the DRC for GOYAns

6:00 PM  Akathist Hymn

Sunday, April 2, 2023

8:45 AM Matins & Divine Liturgy:
Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt


Other News and Updates

Today is the day that we celebrate Greek Independence Day!

The children have been practicing for weeks and are ready to showcase their talent and cultural pride for Greece and
Greek Independence Day!

Please come to the Greek School Luncheon  and show your support to the Greek School students!


Change in Festival Beneficiary:  Many of you attended the compelling presentation by Fr. Paul Tsahakis on March 5th regarding the establishment of the St. Hermione Home in Charlotte, "to provide a safe and supportive home for homeless women to give birth, to develop spiritually, and to nurture the mother-child bond."  Your Parish Council has voted unanimously to change its annual Festival donation from Brenner Children's Hospital to St. Hermione Home ( because we believe it will have a greater impact.  There is NO CHANGE in our support for the Second Harvest Food Bank.


On Sunday, April 23, 2023, there will be a Special Assembly Meeting after the Divine Liturgy.  The topic will only be about the Improvements and Renovations to our Sanctuary. This will be a brief meeting.  We encourage all our parishioners to make every effort to attend, Importantly, we ask the younger generation to attend, for this will benefit them the most and their families, for generations to come.

*Childcare & a light lunch will be provided for the children so that parents may be able to attend the meeting.

 Easter Picnic, Volunteers Needed:  We are pleased to inform you that the Parish Council will host the annual Easter Picnic at our Church on Sunday, April 16th at Noon.  The PC will provide roasted lamb, hotdogs, hamburgers, buns, condiments, flatware, napkins and sweet tea.  We ask each family to bring one or two side dishes of appetizers, vegetables, salads, chips, and desserts, with enough to feed 5-8 people.   You are welcome to bring your own cooler of private beverages.  HELP NEEDED for set-up, if you could arrive around 9-9:30 am.  Thank you!

 Urgent--Security Issue:  On several occasions, our early-morning staff have arrived at our Church to find a door UNLATCHED and "open".  This can be unsettling or frightening, and causes great stress and many phone calls.  As the Parish Council works on a multi-prong solution, it remains YOUR responsibility if you are leaving later in the day, or ANY time you seem to be alone in the building, to check ALL of the entrances to our Sanctuary, Breezeway and Classrooms, making certain the doors are CLOSED and latched.  Even if you are not THE last one, but ONE of the last persons to leave, please remind your fellow person to check the doors, or share the responsibility.  We do NOT have a private security patrolman.  Thank you from Mike Olympio

336-918-2132, on behalf of the Parish Council.



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