Nov. 7 Weekly Bulletin


Weekly Bulletin

Sunday Assignments
USHERS - TEAM C – Greg Karagiorgis, Chris Kroustalis, Frank Moutos, Jimmy Paloumbas
CHURCH SERVICES COMMITTEE Team 4  - Helen Uhl, Teddy J. Tsiolkas, George Kortesis, Tony Vlasis
READER  - John Washinsky
MAIDENS FOR CHRIST - TEAM 9  – Roxanne Gianopoulos, Lilia Liontis, Elena Kroustalis, Alexia Kroustalis
ALTAR BOYS MINISTRY - Team 4 – William Nolan, William Pierce, Niko Vlahos, Vasilios Johnson, Nektarios Vgenopoulos, Panteleimon Leontarides, Andreas T. Kazakos, Demetri Johnson, Konstantinos Kazakos, Alexander Burns, Maximus Kazakos, Anastasi Kazakos


This Week at the Annunciation
Sunday,  November 7,  2021
8:45 AM   Matins & Divine Liturgy: 7th Sunday of Luke
  • Fr. George will distribute the Archangel Michael Awards following Liturgy
    • 2020:  Ralph Shepherd & Will Moye
    • 2021:  Sammy Gianopoulos & Ilias Vlachos
  • Coffee hour offered by Parish Council in honor of Archangel Michael Honorees
  • Charity Food Drive

Monday, November 8, 2021
8:45 AM   Matins & Divine Liturgy:Synaxis of the Archangels
6:30 PM    Basketball Practice B Team
7:00 PM    Vespers for St. Nektarios @ St. Nektarios in Charlotte, NC
7:00 PM    Orthodoxy 101
7:45 PM     Boys Basketball A Team

Tuesday, November 9, 2021
8:45  AM   Matins & Divine Liturgy: St. Nektarios
  • Artoclasia sponsored by Dimitra Dow & Roula Janos, Helen Carros Tsiolkas, Tom & Anna Giannopoulos, Terry & Roxanne Gianopoulos, Ricke Kortesis, Elaine Lazaris, Chris & Voula Vlahos, and James & Marika Vlahos
6:00 PM    Youth Meeting RE: WINTER YOUTH RALLY

Wednesday, November 10, 2021
4:30 PM   Greek School: Regular Classes
4:30 PM   Greek School: Conversation Class

Thursday, November 11, 2021
8:45 AM   Matins & Divine Liturgy:  St.  Menas the Great Martyr
4:30 PM   Girls Volleyball
6:00 PM  Paraklisis to the Theotokos
7:00 PM   Dinner at Fratellis in honor of Archangel Michael Honorees

Friday, November 12, 2021
6:00 PM   GOYA meeting  -  AMF BOWLING

Saturday, November 13, 2021
8:00 AM    Bake Sale (See flyer below)
8:30 AM    Blood Drive
8:45 AM Matins & Divine Liturgy:  St. John Chrysostom
  • 40 - day Memorial for Sister Ephraimia (Angeliki Kappas)
9:00 AM     Shred Event

Sunday, November 14, 2021
8:45 AM     Matins & Divine Liturgy:  8th Sunday of Luke
  • Philoptochos Tray passing for Ecumenical Patriarchate
  • Philoptochos will be honoring the return of Father Costa as Assistant Priest
  • Coffee Hour offered in memory of Sister Ephraimia (Angeliki Kappas) by her family & friends


Other News and Updates

The 2021 Questionnaire is now ready! You should have received an email this past Monday with directions on how to participate. If you don't have an email, the letter should have come through standard mail. If you do not receive a letter in any form, please contact the church office.
We thank you for your participation!
Please remember that responses are due no later than Friday, November 12th.


Looking for the latest news and updates from the Annunciation?

Check out our blog by going to where you can find these emails and more! Also, check out the news and updates bulletin board in the breezeway!

Speed Limit is 25mph
For the safety and consideration of our neighbors, please remember to abide by the posted speed limit. Thank you

Sat. Nov. 13th -  8:00 AM to 5:00 PM  - Carryout Only
Pastry Boxes • Frozen Pans & Trays • Meals To Go

Additional Activities:
Shred Event: 9:00am - 1:00pm
Blood Drive: 8:30am- 1:30pm




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